Contact Jaclyn Lehet for further questions, 860-349-3625,
Requirements:1. Complete and receive a certificate for a handgun safety course, which must consist of no less than the NRA's "Basic Pistol Course". The NRA's "Home Firearms Safety Course" and "First Steps Pistol Orientation Program" are not approved courses.
Effective July 1, 2024, no certificate that was issued over 2 years from the date that you submit your application will be accepted per CT Public Act 23-53. For more information of State requirements visit Applicant must be 21 years of age or older
3. Town of Durham resident
Documentation and fees: Please bring the following to Jaclyn Lehet in the First Selectman’s Office, 1st floor of Town Hall. Hours: Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday 8:30-4:30pm, Friday 8:30-Noon.
Noncriminal Justice Applicant’s Privacy Rights/FBI Privacy Act Statement signed by applicant
Application DPS-799-C (Revised 7/16/24) version must be fully completed and notarized with a seal (Notary Services available in Town Hall). Incomplete applications will NOT be accepted and will delay the permit process.
3. Original Birth Certificate (or certified copy)
4. An original NRA Certified Pistol Certificate or its equivalent not older than 2 years
5. Certificate of Completion (effective July 1, 2024)
6. Connecticut Driver’s License or Connecticut I.D. Card
7. $70.00 fee made payable to the Town of Durham
Pre-Enrollment for Background Check and Fingerprint Appointment1. After submitting all documentation and fees, the First Selectman’s Office, you will provide you a pre-enrollment code to be used here 2. Payment for State fee of $75.00 and FBI fee of $12.00 at this time, via card only
3. After successfully completing this step, you will receive an Applicant Tracking Number via email; you must have this number for your fingerprint appointment.
4. Make an
appointment to get fingerprinted at the State Police Headquarters, 1111 Country Club Road, Middletown, CT. There will be a fee of $15 to be fingerprinted (exact change or check made payable to Treasurer, State of Connecticut)
The First Selectman has 8 weeks to review your application and approve or deny. If approved, a temporary 60-day permit will be sent in the mail with additional directions. A denial will be sent via mail and may be appealed to the Board of Firearm Permit Examiners as provide in C.G.S. Section 29-32.