Food Scrap Recycling: It’s Easy!

Durham-Middlefield Food Scrap Recycling pilot project starting September 1, 2021.

Here’s How to Do It:
  • PURCHASE YOUR STARTER KIT STARTING AUGUST 1: The $25 Starter Kit fee includes one two-gallon countertop pail, one six-gallon home storage and transportation bin (both covered), and one roll of 25 compostable bags for your countertop pail. Kits can be purchased multiple ways: 
    • On-line through Venmo Click Here

    • Cash or Check made out to Coginchaug Area Transition (compost in memo line) can be dropped off or mailed to Town of Durham, P.O Box 428, Attn: Office of the First Selectman, Durham, CT 06422

    • The Durham Farmers Market, Thursday’s from 3:00 to 6:30 p.m. during the month of August

    • Middlefield Building Department located in the Middlefield Community Center, Monday 8:30 a.m., to 5:00 p.m., or Tuesday thru Thursday 8:30 a.m., to 4:00 p.m., during the month of August.

  • COLLECT your food scraps in a countertop pail, lined with a compostable bag.
    Most residents will fill the countertop pail with food scraps 3-4 times per week.  It is suggested that residents also have a larger bin too

  • TRANSFER food scraps into for weekly storage. (This will be supplied as part of your kit.)This larger bin can also be used for transportation of food scraps to the DMIAAB Transfer Station.  It is recommended that food storage bins be kept indoors – either in the house or in the garage.
  • BRING your transportation bin to the Food Scrap Recycling drop-off bins at the DMIAAB Transfer Station to dispose of your food scraps.  All material collected is brought to a commercial composting facility where it is turned into compost.

Drop-Off Location and Hours:

The Food Scrap Recycling drop-off bins are located at the DMIAAB Transfer Station on Cherry Hill Road in Middlefield, right over the Durham town line.  The Food Scrap Recycling bins will be open on Mondays from 8am-7:45pm and on Saturdays from 8am-3pm.

Pilot project participants must have a current DMIAAB Transfer Station sticker, which can be purchased at the Transfer Station site.  This will allow them to access all other services on the site as well as the Food Scrap Recycling pilot program.

Accepted Items: ALL FOOD, including:
 Fruits and Vegetables (remove stickers, bands, ties)
 Meat and poultry (bones ok)
 Fish and shellfish (shells ok)
 Dairy Products
 Bread and Pasta
 Rice and Grains
 Egg Shells
 Chips and Snacks
 Nuts and Seeds
 Leftover, Spoiled and Expired Food (cooked ok)
 Coffee Grounds (paper filters ok) and Tea Bags (no staples)
 Paper Towels and Napkins
 Cut Flowers
 Compostable Bags (no plastic bags)
 Items Not Accepted:
Plastic bags, plastic packaging and wrappers are NEVER allowed in the bins.
Plastic does not biodegrade and therefore will contaminate the compost. Use ONLY compostable bags, paper bags or no bags.
Baby/Hand wipes are NEVER allowed in the bins. They are synthetic, do not biodegrade and will contaminate the compost.
NO PET WASTE is allowed in the bins.

For questions on the program, please contact 

DMIAAB Subsidized Composters Available

In an effort to reduce the amount of solid waste from our communities, DMIIAB underwrites a composter program at a significantly discounted purchase price for residents of Durham and Middlefield. We have both food digesters and traditional composters available. Residents may purchase Earth Machine Composters for $30 and Green Cone food digesters for $60. These prices are 50% below the retail cost. Supplies are limited. To make arrangements for purchase, please contact the Transfer Station at (860) 349-8702.