Business and Commerce


Commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy (C-PACE) allows building owners to finance qualifying energy efficiency and clean energy improvements through a voluntary assessment on their property tax bill. Property owners pay for the improvements over time through this additional charge on their property tax bill, and the repayment obligation transfers automatically to the next owner if the property is sold. Capital provided under the C-PACE program is secured by a lien on the property, so low-interest capital can be raised from the private sector. 

Connecticut Small Business Development Center 

 An office of the Connecticut Small Business Development Center has opened at the Middlesex Chamber of Commerce Office 393 Main Street, Middletown, CT (860) 347-6924
Here's some ways CTSBDC can help: 
  • Startup assistance
  • business planning
  • growth strategies
  • financial analysis
  • market research
  • marketing and social media training
  • budget preparation and forecasting
  • international trade consulting
  • regulatory issues
  • emergency preparedness.

Call 855-4CT-SBDC or visit the website for more information or to schedule a no-cost consultation

Connecticut Economic Resource Center, Inc. 

CERC is a nonprofit corporation specializing in economic development 
and marketing for local, regional, state and utility economic development entities.

Middlesex County Revitalization Commission of the Middlesex County Chamber of Commerce 

 Staff Liaison: Jeff Pugliese Middlesex Chamber of Commerce
Meeting Time: Quarterly
Learn more about MCRC HERE

The Revitalization Commission continues to address regional economic development issues and focuses on the revitalization of manufacturing and commercial districts of Middlesex County. The Revolving Loan Fund is available through the Revitalization Commission and is designed to encourage business growth that results in the retention or creation of jobs in the region.